The Copenhagen Climate Change Submit

The Copenhagen Climate Change Submit
The Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in going to be held from December 6 to December 18, 2009. Delegations from 192 countries will hold two weeks of talk in Copenhagen aiming to commit and establish a new global treaty on Climate Change. Every delegations and scientists from different countries will gather together in one place to find out a solution and will be signed on the agreement with commitment which plays a vital role to reduce the carbon green house emission gases from the earth surface. These warmer carbon green house emission gases from the earth rise up and covered the whole earth as a blanket that plays a barrier where ultravoilet heat ray from the sun come down to the earth but the emitted and radiated heat from the earth can not cross the blanket shape carbon green house emission gases barrier, but these emitted gases return black to the earth again. The effect of carbon green house emission gases as a barrier is known as the Green House Effect (GHE). The carbon green house emission gases are known as Green House Eission Gases (GHEG). These processes are continuing, and when the concentrations of GHEG over the earth is increased, the earth is warming globally by the effect of GHEG is known as Global Warming. As in Nepalese context, we have receoded temperature data since 1955, the average temperature data is in increasing trend since 1955 to till now. The Climate Change Experts, scientists, leaders and Heads of Government from different countries are attending the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen to be held aiming to reduce carbon GHEG with commitment. We, all poeple, from different countries are hopeful and very optimistic in the reduction of carbon green house emission gases or Global Warming. The Global Warming is hot issue in these days, and it is even in danger position for all living creatures, if the carbon GHEG are not reduced right now.

A good news came from BBC last week that Brazilian Head of Government Mr. Presedent Lula said "Climate Change in the world is most challenging issue", and he has announced that they are aiming to achieve a reduction of 36% to 39% on its carbon emission by the year 2020. If it meets their promise, green house emissiom gases would be near 1994 levels. It is good news for all of us, and we are hopeful that it will encourage to other leaders from other nations to announce their commitment in reduction of carbon emissiom gases, which is not a public target, but it makes known to public in advance of the major UN Climate Change Submit in Copenhagen next week in December 2009.

Brazil hopes to put pressure on richer nations to declare their intentiona and break the deadlock in the nogotiations. It shows that the coming UN Climate Change Submit will definitely help to find out a solution in new direction in carbon emission reduction. From the analysis of the weather pattern it is known us that Climate Change is due to the Global Warming, and it is man made problem or human influences.

After one week Mr. Barak Obama, President of United States of America, has decided to attend the UN Climate Change Submit in Copenhagen. Mr. President would pledge to cut green house emission gases in several stages, earlier US announced to cut green house emission gases with a 17% cut by 2020.

Similarly China has also decided to reduce its carbon intensity by 40-45% by the year 2020. China's decision is a wake-up call to India. According to a recent report, India is the largest country to produce big amount of carbon green house emission gases in such that India will produce about 1.2 bn tones at present to between 4bn and 7bn by 2030.

Posted by Chok Bahadur Gurung on 12:52 AM


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